What's New

Oct 4, 2024

Vacation Notices Mailed

Vacation notices have been mailed to your address of record.

If you have NOT received your notice by Monday, 10/07/2024, please contact the Fund office at (618) 998-1300. Notices MUST be postmarked no later than 10/15/24 for a check to be issued. Please be sure to mark your choice of YES (to receive a check) or NO (to rollover funds), SIGN THE FORM, and return it to the Fund office. Unsigned forms will be returned for signature and could result in checks not being issued. MEMBERS MUST sign the forms personally. Signatures are audited against existing records.

Forms can be MAILED or dropped off to 5100 Ed Smith Way, Suite A, Marion, IL 62959, they can be FAXED to (618)997-9063, or they can be emailed to conniegeorge@silehw.org. We have a secure drop box outside the Fund Office for your convenience.

Checks will be issued no later than the 7th business day of November. Thank you for your cooperation and participation in the Southern and Central Illinois Laborers Vacation Fund.

Category: General
