Submit Check Stubs

How to Submit Check Stubs:

Plan C Only

  • Written requests for crediting of hours are received by the Fund Office. The Fund Office verify that the hours worked were in covered employment and are due to the Funds.
  • The request along with supporting documentation (where applicable) will be taken to the Trustee Meeting. These requests would result in an adverse occurrence to a Participant such as a loss of eligibility.
  • The Trustees review would include the following:
    • Likelihood of collectibility
    • Time until anticipated recovery
    • Impact of Participants Welfare eligibility benefits
  • If the Trustees approve the request for crediting of hours then:
    • The Participant is notified via certified letter that for Welfare purposes he will be completely or partially eligible for benefits, or that he may make a self payment. The correspondence will also indicate that further employment with the same employer will result in coverage being provided by the Fund only as a result of proper payment of the required contributions by the employer.
    • No unpaid Annuity or Vacation contributions will be credited.
  • The Local Union and District Council will be notified that any further employment with this employer, for any employees, may result in coverage being provided by the Fund only upon receipt of the proper contributions.
